Three year-olds tell us how the town “Siauliai” got its name

  • Category: News
  • Date: October 10, 2014
Our three year old students were working hard throughout the summer. Together with their tutor they were finding out how the town “Siauliai” in Lithuania got its name, and the history behind it.  Later they made decorations, were preparing to act and made the below video as the end-product. Now everybody tall and small is invited to view the group’s lovely short movie:

Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council Darren Rodwell, shows children around the Town Hall

  • Category: News
  • Date: September 19, 2014



 On Wednesday 17th September, Leaping Toads’ children and parents were warmly welcomed to Barking Town Hall by Councillor Darren Rodwell, the Leader of the Barking and Dagenham Council.

The visit enabled children and parents to familiarise themselves with the political system and local council and ask questions to the Leader of Barking and Dagenham. Read more…

We warmly welcome and introduce our new English teacher!

  • Category: News
  • Date: September 16, 2014

‘Cambridge English’ course for adults on Monday and Wednesday evenings. These ESOL classes are run according to the Cambridge English Examination Board.

The programme was set up by Cambridge University to improve the English language skills of non-mother tongue speakers, for work and increased employment opportunities, study and everyday life.

The Cambridge English Certificate at the end of the course is globally accepted by employers and universities (recognised by over 15,000 organisations worldwide) and also by the UK Government Home Office for Visas etc

Cambridge English

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Other five year old students’ group present video legend about how Vilnius capital was established (VIDEO)

  • Category: News
  • Date: September 15, 2014
New video legend is created by our five year olds’ group that comes to school only on Saturdays.

Please enjoy the children’s legend.

Stories about where a frog is from (VIDEO)

  • Category: News
  • Date: September 10, 2014
Our five year olds have released this week their summer video project
“Stories about where a frog is from”. You are very welcome to watch!

Children, families and officials celebrate Leaping Toads’ official opening afternoon

  • Category: News
  • Date: July 8, 2014

Children, families and officials came to school to celebrate the official opening afternoon of Leaping Toads on Saturday 14th June 2014. The school celebrated its achievements over the past six years and announced future plans and its mission to incorporate other activities and provide English lessons to adults and children. Read more…

Art therapy students present their first artwork exhibition!

  • Category: News
  • Date: July 8, 2014

On Saturday 28th of June, parents and children came together to reveal and celebrate an art therapy exhibition created by our children. After twelve sessions, both age groups had achieved excellent results, so there was much to celebrate! Read more…

Students with the least mistakes go on a trip to the movies with Erika!

  • Category: News
  • Date: June 25, 2014

Students with the least mistakes go on a trip to the movies with Erika!

Leaping Toads’ seven year-olds not only sing, dance, act and draw… they also make almost no spelling mistakes! Children travelling to the Land of Grammar and Storytelling to read many Lithuanian folk tales, discover the various parts of speech, write stories and to create and act out role plays.

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Our pupils participate at “Sekminės” Festival

  • Category: News
  • Date: May 25, 2014

On the 25th of May Lithuanian families from around the UK gathered in Hampshire to celebrate the traditional feast of Pentecost (Whitsunday).

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Free the creator in yourself with art therapy!

  • Category: News
  • Date: March 22, 2014

I’m sometimes unable to control myself or properly express my emotions
It’s difficult to make friends and stay friends;
I can’t always pick the right activity;
I’ve a lack of concentration, motivation or confidence
I’m a bit shy and can become irritable, hyperactive or restless
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