Art therapy students present their first artwork exhibition!
- Category: News
- Date: July 8, 2014

During the art therapy course children learnt to listen to their friends, confidently express their own opinions, follow group rules and express their emotional memory through colours. The course also worked on boosting their self-confidence and independence and gradually the students became more responsible for their actions, as well as more sensitive and helpful to those around them.
So what did our children and parents think?
All students enjoyed learning about and practicing calming relaxation and meditation exercises which they can now use before starting homework. Elder children agreed that the classes and topics covered had been interesting and they particularly liked that the fact that the artworks portraying their negative emotions could be ripped up or torn at the end.
Parents of younger children were happy to see that their children had acquired skills which would assist them during their first steps at mainstream school, while mothers of children aged 6 upwards were impressed by their children’s deepened insight and ability to analyse their own works as well as their friends’.
So, what’s next?
Children and parents are looking forward to starting the next stage of the programme called “Self-awareness” which will start in September 2014 and will focus on emotional intellectual development.
Parents agree that it is essential for junior children (who will soon attend senior school) to be able to cope with their emotions and will soon have to make their own decisions.So the objective of the courses’s second stage is to foster the development of a balanced personality, to educated the children about emotional skills and qualities including:
- Self-perception (an understanding and awareness of one’s own emotions and feelings)
- Self-control (management of one’s emotions, states and internal resources as well as how to release negative emotions in a socially acceptable manner)
- Communication (social sensitivity)
- Self-confidence (genuine self-esteem and responsibility including responsible decision making).
Please see Our Classes page for more information about our art therapy classes for children of all ages. For further information and to register call 07900106971 or email
Art therapy is the primary method of the tested and socially responsible personality development programme entitled “I am a creator”, compiled by Marija Mendele-Leliugiene. The programme has been successfully implemented in Lithuania since 2001 in various ‘Raphael’ social and business initiatives, working with people of all ages and professions.
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