Lithuanian Independence Day Celebrations in Barking and Dagenham appearing on Lithuanian national television channel “LRT”, Lithuania, 21-02-2015
Broadcast on LRT to celebrate Lithuanian Independence Day at Barking Town Hall on 16th February 2015.
Leaping Toads pupils, parents and members of the local Lithuanian community celebrated Lithuania’s 97th year of Independence at Barking Town Hall, welcomed by Councillor Darren Rodwell, Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council. Distinguished guests included the Ambassador of Lithuania, Her Exellency Mrs Asta Skysgiryte-Liauskiene and dignitaries of the “Jotvingis” Lithuanian Navy.
Cultures celebrated at Lithuanian Day
“Barking and Dagenham Post”, UK, 00-02-2015
Title to be added’
“Lietuve”, Lithuania, 00-02-2015
Leaping Toad’s Principal, Mrs Simona Staputiene, inteviewed on BBC live radio
“BBC Radio”, Five Live Drive programme, 16:00, UK, 28-11-2014
Barking and Dagenham school invites pupils to learn English
“”, UK, 2014-11-03
How learning Lithuanian is helping youngsters to feel at home in England – Eastern European language school wants children to ‘know roots’
“Barking and Dagenham Post”, UK, 2014-10-29
East London borough council’s attention for Lithuanian school students
“Londoniete”, UK, 2014-10-22
School encourages newcomers to integrate
“Barking and Dagenham Post”, UK, 2014-06-25
Leaping Toads “Mano Pirmieji Mokslai” features on the website of the President of Lithuania, 2014-02-16
The first lithuanian words – far from Lithuania
“Lietuvos žinios”, 2013-10-15
What is the Lithuanian national perception of young Lithuanians in London?
“Žinių radijas”, 2013-03-27
Young Lithuanians in London present a performance, 2013-03-25
Appearing on Lithuanian national television “Voices of Freedom” live broadcast
“LRT”, 2014-02-16
Children participate via video link for the “Voices of Freedom” Concert, broadcast live on LRT to celebrate Lithuanian Independence Day, 16 February 2014.
London is growing a new generation of talented Lithuanians, 2013-03-25
A different approach to emigration, 2013-05-25
About our school
LNK, KK2, 2013-03-20
12 year-old: “I will create a business and help Lithuania to stand tall”, 2012-11-26
Lithuanian language school has little use for textbooks
Lietuvos rytas, 2012-11-26
Expat children with multiple identities, 2012-11-25
Excerpt from radio station M-1’s morning show “inform 200 seconds”, featuring Leaping Toads, 2012-11-20
“School” exhibition examines whether emigrants retain their Lithuanian identity
Lietuvos rytas, 2012-11-19
Simona Staputienė: Identity begins with questions about the family, 2012-08-29
Designer Jolanta Rimkutė visits Lithuanian school in Dagenham
Londonietė, 2012-06-13
Designer J.Rimkutė created fairy trees at London Lithuanian school, 2012-06-11
Lithuanians flock: curiosity overcomes rumours
Londonietė, 2011-02-23
Lithuanian School in London: learning through impressions, 2010-09-29
Expat children learn about the Battle of Grunwald,, 2010 – 09 – 27
The UK release of the first Lithuanian educational audiovisual project for children
Londonietė, 2010-09-18
London opens a new Saturday School, 2008-10-05
London opens a new Saturday School, 2008-10-03
Are you interested in British Lithuanian language?, 2008-09-02