Musical education is the key to a comprehensive personality development

An article about our music lessons and music teacher Lina coming soon.

“Mano pirmųjų mokslų” mokytojų gretas praeitą rudenį papildė nauja muzikos mokytoja, vokalistė, pianistė ir edukologė Lina Puidokaitė. Lina yra talentinga jauna muzikė ir mokytoja, mūsų mokykloje vedanti grupines pianino ir kompozicijos pamokas vaikams nuo ketverių metų, individualias pianino pamokas, organizuojanti muzikinius renginius ir mokanti lietuvių kalbos. Apie muzikos mokslų įtaką ir svarbą vaikų kitų dalykų mokymosi rezultatams bei asmenybės ugdymui, naujas gitaros pamokas mamoms, mažuosius kompozitorius, būsimas dainavimo pamokas anglų kalba ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams ir buriamą holistinę dainavimo studiją suaugusiems kalbiname mokytoją Liną. Read more…

Happy Lithuania’s independence restoration day!

Leaping Toads school celebrates Lithuania’s independence restoration day on the 11th of March!

Happy independence day Lithuania!

2 years old Lithuanian language taster day

NEW LESSON! An introduction to music and composition

Вскочив Жабы presents a new music lesson led by a new member of our team – music teacher Lina, (vocal, choir and piano) .

Lina will teach an active, hands-on and improvisation-based musical language learning that introduces to children the world of music. The course is a great opportunity to for children to obtain basic piano knowledge and create original compositions. The ability to express creative ideas in music is key to each child‘s self cognition and personality development. Read more…


Our teacher Alma about art, art therapy and benefits of holistic education

To mark the occasion of Leaping Toads celebrating its 8th Anniversary, we are launching a newsletter and a series of interviews with our teachers, who are not only experts in their professional field but who also share their professional knowledge, experience and skills with younger generations.

For the first of our interviews we talk to Leaping Toads’ Art and Primary teacher, Alma Sleckute about holistic education, art, and children’s self development based on art therapy methods. Read more…

Leaping Toads celebrates its 8th anniversary today!

Lithuanian politician and ambassador Žygimantas Pavilionis visits Leaping Toads

On the 4th April 2016, Leaping Toads was visited by His Excellency Žygimantas Pavilionis, Lithuanian politician and Ambassador, including the former Ambassador of Lithuania to the United States. Read more…

Happy Second Sunday of Easter!